
The interior layout of the house consists of a ceremony table, entrance, front hall, large hall, altar room, alcove, front room, back room, tea room, etc. The front two levels are the hare space, and the back one is the ke no space. In the vertical row, the center of the building is the altar room, the right row is the hall, and the left row is the tatami room.


The building is about 116 tsubo(about 400m2)  with a frontage of 10Kan(間) (20m) and a half and a depth of 11Kan(間) (22m). It has an almost square plan, with a three-row, three-tiered two-story gabled tiled roof on all four sides of the main building, and a one-and-a-half-bay shed mainly on the dirt floor and edge.

Entrance and street dirt floor concrete



On the right hand side of the building, open the normal entrance, and when you enter, you will find a spacious street with a width of 1.5 ken(間) (about  less 3m) and a depth of 10 ken(間)(about 18m). On the left-hand side of the floor, thick zelkova trees(欅)and thick lacquer-coated giramon (指鴨居) with a height of less than 2 shaku(尺) (60 cm) run in a straight line, creating a deep and unique space.


Shikidai (式台)


On the left side of the front entrance, there is a 3ken(間)

(about 5.5m) wide Shikidai, and in front of the tatami room, there is a 2.5ken(間)(about 4.5m) Shikidai that goes along stepping stones from the garden. Both sides are 1.5ken(間)(approximately 2.7m), with a 3shaku(尺)dirt floor in front, a Kunugiishi stone(沓脱石) in the center, a 1ken(間)(approximately 1.8m) deep zelkova edge, and a lacquered ceiling. The coffered ceiling is painted.

Here, various visitors have taken memorable photos.

 (Click here for old photos:こちら

Front hall (前広間)


The hall, which is adjacent to the street floor, has a unique structure in which a flat structure is turned around, but the beams are placed one step higher, and the lower part is a transom shoji. It is thought that this is not only for design purposes, but also to prevent structural weakening due to concentration of joint holes on the pillars. In addition, the fittings that partition the halls are generally lacquered obi doors that create a hard atmosphere, but in the case of the Hamamoto family, in consideration of the natural light, the interior space is made to look soft by using fusuma sliding doors.

It is said that the cypress used for the construction of the Ise Jingu Shrine was used for the ceiling panel of the ceiling in the front hall.


Great hall (大広間)


The beams on the upper part of the atrium are made of materials of the same size and curvature and are coated with lacquer. It has a unique structure with shoji windows on the second floor above the beams, and the ceiling is a coffered ceiling with black lacquer and a gold leaf surface.

 Old wall clock; 掛け時計



The Maezashiki tatami salon consists of a front tatami room of 12.5 tatami mats and an Okuzashiki tatami salon of 10 tatami mats with a floor, a different shelf, and a study room. Take it down and build a garden outside. In addition, in the left corner of the front, there is a four-and-a-half tatami mat tea room for entertaining guests.

The design of the alcove and the study room is also innovative, and precious wood is used for the materials, and the highest quality lacquer is applied. The fusuma and shoji screens are made using the best of the techniques of joiners and Kyoto craftsmen. A transom and a rare transom with a painting of yellowtail on pure silk are inlaid.


The ceiling is also lacquered with black lacquer around the rim and neck, and a 2-shaku wide Yakusugi ceiling board is attached.


All the members of each room are made of high-quality wood that has been thoroughly dried without cracks, smooth carpentry with a smooth plane finish, and a high-quality lacquer finish that shines like a mirror.

(Commentary: Professor Yukio Ueno, Toyama International College of Professional Arts)

(解説:富山国際職藝学院教授 上野 幸夫)

Numerous traditional interiors and furnishings

Doorway design

Igeta beams and ceiling (Wajima lacquerware)

Yellowtail silk transom

Partition of bamboo blinds (summer specification)

Old wall clock in the hall


Obi door in the hall

Hearth in the hall

Tatami salon with blinds

Kunugiishi stone and Shikidai


Paulownia brazier

Shoji window and coffered ceiling

Inami Sculpture transom

Miso storehouse
